Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Song Is True

"He's never early...he's always late...first thing you learn is that you always have to wait..."

I have the best relationship with my dealer. I don't know his real name, and he doesn't know anything but my first name. He uses a different name for each of the drugs he sells...that way when you call and ask for "Gary", he knows you're buying coke. The guy is smart.

He is also fair with his product and price. I hope he doesn't get busted for a long time...because I don't know how to get junk any other way. I don't want to buy it from some scumbag in an alley...doesn't sound very safe.

My dealer (I'll call him Vince) and I talk for about 30 seconds on the phone and about a minute in person. We learn a little bit about each other each time as we have small talk, never actually referring to what we're exchanging in our hands.

Sometimes he'll ask for feedback on the product. "Is this batch better than the last" and so on. Rarely, though...He knows junkies we'll buy it regardless of how cut it is.

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